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Drug & Alcohol Testing

Time is critical when you have a highly qualified candidate who is interviewing with multiple employers. You need drug tests that provide fast results so you can make an offer before your competitors do. Our drug testing provides negative test results within 15 minutes of test completion!

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Integrity & Aptitude Assessments

Integrity and aptitude assessments are specific tests designed to assess an applicant’s tendency to be honest, trustworthy, and dependable and evaluates an applicant’s talent, ability, and potential to perform a certain task, with no prior knowledge and/or training.

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Background Screening

Whether for employment or tenancy – ensure applicants are exactly who they represent themselves to be. Your first line of defense is a comprehensive, professionally designed background check.

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Our focus is on protecting your business or organization Signup Today!
  • DNA Testing
  • Pre-Employment Screening
  • Home Drug Testing
  • Tenant Screening
  • Workplace Drug Testing

Our DNA Paternity tests are fast, easy to use, completely confidential and accurate – greater than 99.99% accurate! Our DNA/Paternity Testing partner has provided paternity tests for thousands of customers, and is recognized as a world leader in the science of DNA testing. We have a DNA test to help you find out the truth, regardless of your situation.

Legal DNA Paternity Test results are admissible in most courts of law. Although our Laboratory adheres to the most stringent standards for testing, some states may differ in their requirements. Unlike our home paternity test, the Legal DNA Paternity Test tracks your DNA samples from the time they’re collected by one of our trained specialists until the time they arrive in our DNA testing laboratory. That ensures they’re admissible as evidence in a courtroom.

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Employment ApplicationHire the right people, for the right jobs, at the right time! A pre-employment background check can save you from lost productivity, material theft, training losses, liability costs, criminal operations, and a damaged reputation. Help keep your workplace safe.


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Drug abuse touches everyone. No one is immune from its effects. Our program is designed to educate and to discourage the use of drugs in the people we love. Opening the channels of communication between parents and adolescents is key to this process.

Our program gives you detailed guidelines on how to begin, what to ask and discuss, and where to go from there. Our program answers key questions about rights to privacy, how to handle the drug testing process, and alternative resources if home interactions do not work. It honestly tells you and your children about the harmful effects of illegal drugs and how to rise above the problem.

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tenant-screening_150x150Accurate and affordable tenant screening is fast and easy! Before you rent get our comprehensive reports to verify the applicant’s credit, identity, and criminal background. Your decisions are only as good as the data behind them. Make better rental decisions with a tenant screening report!

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Miscellaneous Drug Tests

It’s a fact that business owners are losing over $100 Billion per year due to substance abuse in the workplace. Our company provides laboratory and/or instant on-site drug tests to business owners who value implementing a drug testing program. Capital Drug & Background Screening provides clients with the proper paperwork and local laboratory locations to send their employees (over 4,000 laboratories nationwide) for follow up testing.

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Welcome to Capital Drug & Background Screening. We’re dedicated to providing you accurate and reliable drug testing products, background screening services & candidate integrity and aptitude testing!

Call me for a quote – I may be able to provide you a better product or service and a more competitive price.

If you don’t have an existing drug and background screening program, call me and I will help you create one.

Nothing feels better than peace of mind.

Jim McGarry Jim McGarry

Capital Drug & Background Screening